Join a group of fellow Rubyists to hang out for a quick chat, gather tips or engage in discussions.
We are the Nepal Ruby and Rails Users Group and we gladly invite you to our next meetup. We try to meet once a month, roughly every last Tuesday of the month.
Previous Talks can be found on our YouTube channel (
The meetups are usually geared towards:
• Learning new and interesting stuff about Ruby/Rails & related technologies
• How we can foster & grow our local Ruby community
• Have fun together
Speaker Proposals: If you have a pertinent subject matter that you'd like to present to the group at an upcoming meetup - enlist it
in our Talk Proposal App - with a short bio and description of your presentation. If you have any questions, queries, things you want to learn more about or something interesting to demo and share your experience, that's even better.
See you soon at the next Kathmandu Ruby Meetup!